Scheme Approval
The Adventure Activity Industry Advisory Committee (AAIAC) has established a model for approving adventure activity quality assurance schemes.
Schemes can be approved to deliver Adventuremark or the LOtC Quality Badge.
Schemes seeking approval will have the operation of their scheme measured against the “Scheme Approval Criteria”. In the case of Adventuremark, this will be for the scheme’s ability to ensure that their accredited providers meet the "Provider Accreditation Criteria” and for the LOtC Quality Badge it will be to ensure that their accredited providers meet the “LOtC Quality Indicators”.
The process of Scheme Approval will involve examination of the scheme’s documentation, a visit to the scheme’s operational base and sampling of at least one inspection.
Schemes seeking approval should note that if they are approved to deliver LOtC Quality Badges they will also be approved to deliver Adventuremark.
If you are familiar with the scheme approval model you can download a Scheme Approval form - LOtC Quality Badge, Scheme approval form – Adventuremark.
The scheme approval fee for a typical scheme is £3,500 + VAT. It may be necessary to increase this fee for larger or more complex schemes.
A list of AAIAC approved Schemes can be found here.